Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My December 2008...

Time just flew nowadays... Just realised that I had been away for slightly more than a mth already! Nope, I am not overseas (at least not most of the time), just that I am very much booked throughout the whole of December! Didn’t even know how I get through it but I did! Hahaha... and as you can see later on, I am not exactly busy with anything totally decent as per se, just loads of gatherings and catch up with precious ppl in my life...
So yup, December to me is a month where I get to meet and catch up with ppl who are close to me that we have lil time for each other for the past 11mths....
As the footsteps of 2009 creeps nearer, I am determined to finally sit down, and blog thru my whole mth of Dec as much as possible, with pictures to tell... So bear with me for this whole mth’s worth of stories and more shared journeys with my family and friends...
Oh... And did I mentioned that I have finally completed my proposal and sent it in?? I am so excited about that. If my business idea gets approved, I am finally gonna be my very own boss!!! Wish me luck!!! *Fingers and Toes crossed*

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